One tower, four functions: Hygiene and safety for rail passengers

The cleaning and disinfection of vehicles in public transport are basic components of our service for transport companies. The increased precautionary measures in the wake of the Corona pandemic have further increased the importance of this service. Two further, no less important factors have been added: informing and actively protecting passengers. A practical example of the combination of all four functions is the “Hygiene Tower”. It combines practical service with direct information.

The eye-catching tower is positioned in places with a lot of public traffic. Next to washbasins with soap and towel dispensers for “quick hand cleaning in between”, large banners remind people of the most important hygiene rules in public. Practical service and sustainable information thus simultaneously unfold their effect. At the same time, the station is clearly marked as a safe place for its users.

“In our services for transport companies, we have repeatedly made two experiences: Offers for more safety and hygiene are accepted all the better the more clearly they are visible,” confirms Dr. Christine Sasse, board member of Dr. Sasse AG and herself a medical doctor. “Explanatory information not only increases acceptance, it is also a statement to passengers: We care about your well-being and take care of your health. Today, this message is more valuable than ever, because it is about creating trust so that passengers can feel good and safe on their journey.”