Thinking, acting, developing


Networking is more than digitally linking data and profiles. It lives from the commitment of individuals and organisations. This “togetherness” needs attention and care – like every object in facilities management.

Sasse Group regards itself as an active, responsible element in a complex network. That is why we believe that those who take on responsibility need answers to the questions that move us all.

  • Where is our society moving – and how are we helping to shape this movement?
  • What importance do we attribute to the environment – and how do we contribute to it?
  • How do we meet the rules and challenges of the markets – and how do we implement economics in our environment?

What do we expect from our workplace today – and how do we imagine it tomorrow?

Environmental, Social, Governance


We are committed to ensuring that human rights are respected and upheld in our value chain. The implementation of our corporate due diligence obligations for people and the environment is a focal point that we are currently intensifying.

We have established a management system to implement our due diligence obligations. Existing processes are integrated into it, and where necessary, new processes and procedures are developed.

Our internal foundation for respecting and upholding human rights is our Code of Conduct, which is concretized by topic-specific guidelines and instructions. The Human Rights Policy statement specifically addresses aspects of human rights. Both declarations define the principles of our actions.

The Business Partner Code of Conduct specifically addresses our business partners, transfers our principles to the upstream and downstream value chain, and is binding for collaboration with Sasse Group.


Sasse Group has committed itself to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact & the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)– the world’s most important initiatives for responsible corporate governance.

Responsibility cannot be transferred to an anonymous organisation but lives through the direct actions of people.

People who demonstrate responsibility for each other in the company, for our customers and partners and for all those who come into contact with our work and services.

In terms of facilities services, Sasse Group demonstrates responsibility through:

  • preserving and protecting the value of the properties entrusted to us;
  • openly and constructively communicating with our clients and partners;
  • creating a safe, attractive environment for the people using the properties;
  • treating the resources that we use for our work with care;
  • fairly and purposefully working together in a team;
  • jointly identifying, addressing and correcting errors and defects;
  • sharing progress and success.

We consistently work on these tasks and are open for change. This way, we create a sustainable basis for joint success and prosperity.

Follow our efforts regarding CSR in our reports:

ESG report 2023 and DNK declaration 2023

CSR report 2022 and DNK-declaration 2022

CSR-report 2021 and DNK-declaration 2021

CSR-report 2020

CSR-report 2019


Sasse Group is committed to supporting and protecting its own employees, as well as employees at business partners, customers, and the environment.

Adherence to human rights and environmental standards is at the core of our corporate philosophy. Violations of these principles could have serious consequences for our organization, our personnel, our business partners, and all other affected parties. Therefore, it is essential to quickly identify such risks and promptly initiate countermeasures to avoid potential harm.

For this purpose, we have established an effective complaint management system that allows for reporting concerns related to human rights and environmental matters. We guarantee swift and consistent processes, as well as confidential and professional treatment of all reports by our internal experts and trusted individuals who act independently and without instruction in their roles. The procedural rules outline the key information regarding the complaint process of Sasse Group. An overview is also provided in the Supply Chain Due Diligence Handbook.

Complaints or reports are handled by selected and trained employees of Sasse Group. More information about jurisdiction and responsibilities is provided in the “Responsibilities and Jurisdiction for Due Diligence” overview.